Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fire Trucks and Fall Fair Stuff and Parade Stuff

On Saturday there was a parade. I decorated my bike and then I rode in the parade. My brother, Kobe, did too.

At the town hall, where the fall fair was going on, there was a fire crew. I got to spray the water on the road through a hole in a pallet. I had to move an air tank and crawl through a pipe. I had to drag a hose closer to the fire truck and then I had to spray water through the hole in the pallet. Then I had to bring a doll and drag it back to safety. It was a fun obstacle course!

I put some projects in the fall fair. I put 16 thing in. I liked doing the lego. I got a a ribbon for each project. I got the most points for my age group so I got a big ribbon, some jelly beans and $20. It was very exciting!

1 comment:

  1. You sure did a lot of things in the fair, great job for all the ribbons, and the grand priswe. Tell Kobe her did a good job too. I haven't been checking your blog everyday and didn't see these blogs until today. love granny and papa
